World of Warcraft Classic is gearing up for a substantial update, bringing back the nostalgic content from the Fall of the Lich King update, originally released in 2009. This update will reintroduce the beloved Icecrown Citadel raid, sending waves of excitement through the WoW community.

One noteworthy addition is the controversial yet practical Random Dungeon Finder feature, allowing players to queue for dungeons based on their class and specialization. Despite some initial resistance from hardcore Classic players, it’s worth noting that this feature was initially introduced in Patch 3.3 in 2009, coinciding with the original release of the Icecrown Citadel raid.
Patch 3.4.3 is scheduled to land in World of Warcraft Classic on Tuesday, October 10, with the Icecrown Citadel raid following just two days later, on Thursday, October 12. This iconic raid will present players with a daunting challenge, featuring a total of 12 bosses culminating in a climactic showdown against Arthas himself.