Tamil king names for baby boy in tamil
Names hold a special place in every culture, carrying within them the essence of history, tradition, and meaning. Tamil names, with their rich heritage and deep meanings, are no exception. Let’s take a journey through the intricacies of some beautiful Tamil names, unraveling their meanings and understanding the significance they bring to the lives they grace.

Name | Meaning | Pronunciation |
Rajaraja | King of Kings | rah-jah-rah-jah |
Rajendra | King of Kings | rah-jen-drah |
Parantaka | Supreme Ruler | pah-ran-tah-kah |
Kulothunga | Lord of the Universe | koo-loh-thoon-gah |
Aditya | Sun God | ah-dee-tee-yah |
Sundara | Beautiful | soon-dah-rah |
Vijayalaya | Victorious | vee-jay-ah-lie-yah |
Vikrama | Brave | vee-krah-mah |
Maravarman | Warrior King | mah-rah-vahr-mahn |
Rajasimha | Lion King | rah-jah-seem-hah |
Pandya | Royal | pahn-dyah |
Chola | Soaring High | cho-lah |
Pallava | New Shoot | pahl-lah-vah |
Veerapandiya | Heroic Ruler | veer-ah-pahn-dee-yah |
Rajaguru | Royal Teacher | rah-jah-goo-roo |
Chakravarthy | Emperor | chahk-rah-vahr-thee |
Arunthathiyar | Radiant | ah-roonth-ah-thee-yar |
Chelvanayakam | Graceful Leader | chel-vah-nah-yah-kahm |
Rajamohan | King with Virtues | rah-jah-moh-hahn |
Kothandaraman | One with a Divine Bow | koh-thahn-dah-rah-mahn |
Bhuvaneshwaran | Lord of the World | bhoo-vah-nehsh-wah-rahn |
Rajasekaran | Kingly | rah-jah-seh-kah-rahn |
Singaravelan | Brave Warrior | sing-gah-rah-veh-lahn |
Jatavarman | Victorious Ruler | jah-tah-vahr-mahn |
Rajadurai | King’s Son | rah-jah-doo-rye |
Kandan | Son | kahn-dahn |
Periyasamy | Great and Lordly | peh-ree-yah-sah-mee |
Maran | Brave | mah-rahn |
Thirumalai | Abode of Lord Vishnu | thee-roo-mah-lie |
Saravanan | Son of Lord Shiva | sah-rah-vah-nahn |
Arumugham | Son of Lord Murugan | ah-roo-moo-ghahm |
Kaviyan | Poet | kah-vee-yahn |
Rajadurai | King’s Son | rah-jah-doo-rye |
Karunakaran | Compassionate | kah-roo-nah-kah-rahn |
Jayavelan | Victorious | jay-ah-veh-lahn |
Krishnamurthy | Devotion to Lord Krishna | krish-nah-moor-thee |
Ramanathan | Protector of Lord Rama | rah-mah-nah-thahn |
Devendran | King of Devas | day-ven-drahn |
Vasanthakumar | Spring Blossom | vah-sahn-thah-koo-mahr |
Raghunathan | Lord Rama | rah-goo-nah-thahn |
Aranganathan | Lord Vishnu | ah-rang-gah-nah-thahn |
Velautham | Son of Lord Murugan | veh-lou-thahm |
Govindarajan | King of Cows (Lord Krishna) | goh-vin-dah-rah-jahn |
Rajaratnam | Kingly Gem | rah-jah-rah-tuh-nahm |
Paramasivam | Supreme Lord Shiva | pah-rah-mah-see-vahm |
Durairaj | King of Fortitude | doo-rah-rahj |
Sivakumar | Son of Lord Shiva | see-vah-koo-mahr |
Palanisamy | Protector | pah-lah-nee-sah-mee |
Balasubramanian | Young Lord Murugan | bah-lah-soo-brah-mah-nee-yahn |
Rajagopal | King and Protector | rah-jah-goh-pahl |
Vijayakumar | Victorious Prince | vee-jah-yah-koo-mahr |
Rajendran | Kingly | rah-jen-drahn |
Ganesan | Son of Lord Ganesha | gah-neh-sahn |
Mohanraj | King of Attraction | moh-hahn-rahj |
Sampathkumar | Possessing Wealth | sahm-pahth-koo-mahr |
Arumugam | Son of Lord Murugan | ah-roo-moo-gahm |
Chinnadurai | Young King | chin-nah-doo-rye |
Senthilkumar | Clever Prince | sen-theel-koo-mahr |
Dhanapal | Protector of Wealth | dahn-ah-pahl |
Thirumalai | Abode of Lord Vishnu | thee-roo-mah-lie |
Rajamanickam | King’s Gem | rah-jah-mah-nee-kahm |
Subramaniam | Devotee of Lord Subramanian | soo-brah-mah-nee-yahm |
Muthusamy | Lord Murugan | moo-thoo-sah-mee |
Pandian | Ruler of Pandya Kingdom | pahn-dee-yahn |
Arivazhagan | Intelligent and Precious | ah-ree-vah-zhah-gahn |
Rengasamy | Lord Shiva | ren-gah-sah-mee |
Manimaran | King with a Bell | mah-nee-mah-rahn |
Palanivel | Protector | pah-lah-nee-vehl |
Chinnathambi | Younger Brother | chin-nah-thahm-bee |
Elango | Prince Elango | eh-lahn-goh |
Jayaprakash | Light of Victory | jay-ah-prah-kahsh |
Rajanikanth | King of Kings | rah-jah-nee-kahnt |
Sivasankar | Auspicious Lord Shiva | see-vah-sahn-kahr |
Senthilvel | Lord Murugan | sen-theel-vehl |
Saravanakumar | Youthful Prince | sah-rah-vah-nah-koo-mahr |
Venkatesh | Lord Venkateshwara | ven-kah-tesh |
Anandan | Happy | ah-nahn-dahn |
Rajeshwaran | King of Kings | rah-jay-shwah-rahn |
Karthik | Lord Murugan | kahr-thik |
Anbarasan | King of Love | ahn-bah-rah-sahn |
Senthilkumaran | Clever Prince | sen-theel-koo-mahr-ahn |
Gopinath | Lord Krishna | goh-pee-nahth |
Selvam | Prosperity | sehl-vahm |
Surya | Sun | soo-ryah |
Raman | Pleasing | rah-mahn |
Hariharan | Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva | hah-ree-hah-rahn |
Sudhakar | Mine of Nectar | soo-dah-kahr |
Natarajan | King of Dance | nah-tah-rah-jahn |
Murugan | Lord Murugan | moo-roo-gahn |
Arjunan | Bright | ahr-joo-nahn |
Santhanam | Eternal | sahn-thah-nahm |
Rajavel | King’s Son | rah-jah-vehl |
Anandaraj | King of Happiness | ah-nahn-dah-rahj |
Vivekanandan | Blissful | vee-veh-kah-nahn-dahn |
Balaji | Lord Vishnu | bah-lah-jee |
Ramesh | Lord Rama | rah-mehsh |
Arulpragasam | Grace of God | ah-rool-prah-gah-sahm |
Thiruvengadam | Lord Venkateshwara | thee-roo-vehng-gah-dahm |
Ramalingam | Lord Rama | rah-mah-lee-ngahm |
Varadarajan | King of Boons | vah-rah-dah-rah-jahn |