Tamil king names for baby boy in tamil
Names hold a special place in every culture, carrying within them the essence of history, tradition, and meaning. Tamil names, with their rich heritage and deep meanings, are no exception. Let’s take a journey through the intricacies of some beautiful Tamil names, unraveling their meanings and understanding the significance they bring to the lives they grace.

Name | Meaning | Pronunciation |
Rajaraja | King of Kings | rah-jah-rah-jah |
Rajendra | King of Kings | rah-jen-drah |
Parantaka | Supreme Ruler | pah-ran-tah-kah |
Kulothunga | Lord of the Universe | koo-loh-thoon-gah |
Aditya | Sun God | ah-dee-tee-yah |
Sundara | Beautiful | soon-dah-rah |
Vijayalaya | Victorious | vee-jay-ah-lie-yah |
Vikrama | Brave | vee-krah-mah |
Maravarman | Warrior King | mah-rah-vahr-mahn |
Rajasimha | Lion King | rah-jah-seem-hah |
Pandya | Royal | pahn-dyah |
Chola | Soaring High | cho-lah |
Pallava | New Shoot | pahl-lah-vah |
Veerapandiya | Heroic Ruler | veer-ah-pahn-dee-yah |
Rajaguru | Royal Teacher | rah-jah-goo-roo |
Chakravarthy | Emperor | chahk-rah-vahr-thee |
Arunthathiyar | Radiant | ah-roonth-ah-thee-yar |
Chelvanayakam | Graceful Leader | chel-vah-nah-yah-kahm |
Rajamohan | King with Virtues | rah-jah-moh-hahn |
Kothandaraman | One with a Divine Bow | koh-thahn-dah-rah-mahn |
Bhuvaneshwaran | Lord of the World | bhoo-vah-nehsh-wah-rahn |
Rajasekaran | Kingly | rah-jah-seh-kah-rahn |
Singaravelan | Brave Warrior | sing-gah-rah-veh-lahn |
Jatavarman | Victorious Ruler | jah-tah-vahr-mahn |
Rajadurai | King’s Son | rah-jah-doo-rye |
Kandan | Son | kahn-dahn |
Periyasamy | Great and Lordly | peh-ree-yah-sah-mee |
Maran | Brave | mah-rahn |
Thirumalai | Abode of Lord Vishnu | thee-roo-mah-lie |
Saravanan | Son of Lord Shiva | sah-rah-vah-nahn |
Arumugham | Son of Lord Murugan | ah-roo-moo-ghahm |
Kaviyan | Poet | kah-vee-yahn |
Rajadurai | King’s Son | rah-jah-doo-rye |
Karunakaran | Compassionate | kah-roo-nah-kah-rahn |
Jayavelan | Victorious | jay-ah-veh-lahn |
Krishnamurthy | Devotion to Lord Krishna | krish-nah-moor-thee |
Ramanathan | Protector of Lord Rama | rah-mah-nah-thahn |
Devendran | King of Devas | day-ven-drahn |
Vasanthakumar | Spring Blossom | vah-sahn-thah-koo-mahr |
Raghunathan | Lord Rama | rah-goo-nah-thahn |
Aranganathan | Lord Vishnu | ah-rang-gah-nah-thahn |
Velautham | Son of Lord Murugan | veh-lou-thahm |
Govindarajan | King of Cows (Lord Krishna) | goh-vin-dah-rah-jahn |
Rajaratnam | Kingly Gem | rah-jah-rah-tuh-nahm |
Paramasivam | Supreme Lord Shiva | pah-rah-mah-see-vahm |
Durairaj | King of Fortitude | doo-rah-rahj |
Sivakumar | Son of Lord Shiva | see-vah-koo-mahr |
Palanisamy | Protector | pah-lah-nee-sah-mee |
Balasubramanian | Young Lord Murugan | bah-lah-soo-brah-mah-nee-yahn |
Rajagopal | King and Protector | rah-jah-goh-pahl |
Vijayakumar | Victorious Prince | vee-jah-yah-koo-mahr |
Rajendran | Kingly | rah-jen-drahn |
Ganesan | Son of Lord Ganesha | gah-neh-sahn |
Mohanraj | King of Attraction | moh-hahn-rahj |
Sampathkumar | Possessing Wealth | sahm-pahth-koo-mahr |
Arumugam | Son of Lord Murugan | ah-roo-moo-gahm |
Chinnadurai | Young King | chin-nah-doo-rye |
Senthilkumar | Clever Prince | sen-theel-koo-mahr |
Dhanapal | Protector of Wealth | dahn-ah-pahl |
Thirumalai | Abode of Lord Vishnu | thee-roo-mah-lie |
Rajamanickam | King’s Gem | rah-jah-mah-nee-kahm |
Subramaniam | Devotee of Lord Subramanian | soo-brah-mah-nee-yahm |
Muthusamy | Lord Murugan | moo-thoo-sah-mee |
Pandian | Ruler of Pandya Kingdom | pahn-dee-yahn |
Arivazhagan | Intelligent and Precious | ah-ree-vah-zhah-gahn |
Rengasamy | Lord Shiva | ren-gah-sah-mee |
Manimaran | King with a Bell | mah-nee-mah-rahn |
Palanivel | Protector | pah-lah-nee-vehl |
Chinnathambi | Younger Brother | chin-nah-thahm-bee |
Elango | Prince Elango | eh-lahn-goh |
Jayaprakash | Light of Victory | jay-ah-prah-kahsh |
Rajanikanth | King of Kings | rah-jah-nee-kahnt |
Sivasankar | Auspicious Lord Shiva | see-vah-sahn-kahr |
Senthilvel | Lord Murugan | sen-theel-vehl |
Saravanakumar | Youthful Prince | sah-rah-vah-nah-koo-mahr |
Venkatesh | Lord Venkateshwara | ven-kah-tesh |
Anandan | Happy | ah-nahn-dahn |
Rajeshwaran | King of Kings | rah-jay-shwah-rahn |
Karthik | Lord Murugan | kahr-thik |
Anbarasan | King of Love | ahn-bah-rah-sahn |
Senthilkumaran | Clever Prince | sen-theel-koo-mahr-ahn |
Gopinath | Lord Krishna | goh-pee-nahth |
Selvam | Prosperity | sehl-vahm |
Surya | Sun | soo-ryah |
Raman | Pleasing | rah-mahn |
Hariharan | Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva | hah-ree-hah-rahn |
Sudhakar | Mine of Nectar | soo-dah-kahr |
Natarajan | King of Dance | nah-tah-rah-jahn |
Murugan | Lord Murugan | moo-roo-gahn |
Arjunan | Bright | ahr-joo-nahn |
Santhanam | Eternal | sahn-thah-nahm |
Rajavel | King’s Son | rah-jah-vehl |
Anandaraj | King of Happiness | ah-nahn-dah-rahj |
Vivekanandan | Blissful | vee-veh-kah-nahn-dahn |
Balaji | Lord Vishnu | bah-lah-jee |
Ramesh | Lord Rama | rah-mehsh |
Arulpragasam | Grace of God | ah-rool-prah-gah-sahm |
Thiruvengadam | Lord Venkateshwara | thee-roo-vehng-gah-dahm |
Ramalingam | Lord Rama | rah-mah-lee-ngahm |
Varadarajan | King of Boons | vah-rah-dah-rah-jahn |
Baby boy names in marathi 2023-24
Please note that pronunciation is provided in simplified English to help with reading, and actual pronunciation might vary based on accents and speech patterns. If you have any specific preferences or requirements, feel free to let me know!
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